Our School

Christmas Fayre December 2022

Our dedicated team of staff planned and organised a spectacular Christmas Fayre for our Repton Manor Family to enjoy.  We are so grateful for their time and effort with this.


A special thanks to:

  • The entire team of Christmas Elves (aka. staff) who gathered together following my calls for help to organise the whole event - what a team!
  • Miss Fagg and Miss Gorania for organising the amazing raffle and the Christmas market.
  • All of the parents and businesses who donated such generous prizes.
  • The kitchen for supplying such lovely refreshments.
  • The office for organising the present wrapping stall so that the children could buy their parents surprise presents.
  • The Ukulele club and the Choir Club for their beautiful entertainment.
  • Mr Wells for the snow machine (we don't know who enjoyed it more!).
  • Miss King, her family and the PINC team for organising such a fabulous Grotto.
  • Toby for organising his very own stall.
  • Our staff teams for organising and running such wonderful school stalls.
  • Each of our stall holders who made up our Repton Christmas Market.
  • Each and every one of our families who attended the fayre and helped to make it the success that it was.

Merry Christmas from all of the Staff at Repton Manor

Ukulele Choir
School Stalls
Santa's Grotto
Christmas Market
Best Dressed Parent Competition