Our Children

Home Learning

Weekly Home Learning

We believe that Home Learning is a vital way to support and extend the learning that is happening in school.  We have planned a system of Home Learning which we feel our children (and parents) will enjoy and thrive from.  For this to be fully effective, though, we need parents support and we ask that parents work through the following tasks with their child; supporting and extending their learning as necessary.

Each week our children will be expected to:

  • Read every day to an adult.

    Our children will bring home a school reading book and a library book of their choice which they will be expected to read and discuss with an adult every night.  We ask parents to make a note of their reading each night in their Reading Record.

  • Complete a Spelling task.

    All children will receive weekly spellings from Spelling Shed.  We would encourage parents to support their children with learning these spellings.  Spellings will be informally tested each week.

  • Complete a Maths task.

    A short Maths task will also be sent home each week.  Sometimes, this will be set tasks on Times Tables Rock Stars, Numbots or Mathletics.  The tasks will be ability based, but will aim to develop our children’s confidence with number.


Topic Home Learning

In addition to the above tasks, Topic Home Learning tasks will be sent home termly.  Children will be given a choice of tasks which are suited to different learning styles (e.g. learning alone, learning through reading, writing and speaking, learning through art, etc) and they will be expected to complete at least one of the tasks. 

All tasks will be explained to the children before the sheets are sent home, but we ask parents to speak to their child’s teacher if they have any further questions.  We ask that parents support their children with these tasks, and encourage them to complete the work in as much detail as they can.

All topic Home Learning will be shared in class and then displayed in school.


To view your current Topic Home Learning, please visit your Year Group page.


Helpful Websites to support your Home Learning

You will have a login for each of the websites below and Home Learning may be set on these websites.  Please ask your teacher if you cannot remember your login.

Myon – For a wide range of online reading books for you to enjoy:


Accelerated Reader – For access to your reading book quizzes:

Oxford Owl – For access to more online reading books:

Spelling Shed - For your Spelling Home Learning games and quizzes:

TT Rockstars - For your Maths Home Learning - you can play as much as you like and practise your times tables:

Numbots - For your Maths Home Learning - you can use Numbots to practise your number skills:

Mathletics - For your Maths Home Learning set tasks:


 In addition to the above, we have found these websites / links to support your learning at home:

Kent Libraries - e-library

Kent Libraries - Home Learning links


If you require additional Home Learning ...

The following documents contain some links to age appropriate websites that you could use for additional Home Learning with your children.

Year R and 1 websites for additional Home Learning

Year 2, 3 and 4 websites for additional Home Learning

Year 5 and 6 websites for additional Home Learning