Our Children

NEU Teacher Strike Day - Remote Learning Offer

Please find below some useful websites and some suggestions of activities which you may like to complete with your child at home.  We have tried to include a range of web-links and activities from across the curriculum.  We have also included activities which can be completed independently and some which can be completed as a family.


Useful websites to provide online lessons for a range of Year Groups
Oak Academy

The following website provides online lessons for a range of Year Groups, across a range of subjects.  Your child will be able to select their Year Group and complete learning from any subject which is of interest to them. 

Click the logo below to access the website.


To access the learning:

First, select your child's Year Group.

Then, select a subject of interest to them.

You will find various lessons for each subject, most with videos of teachers introducing the learning.

BBC Bitesize

The following website also contains specific Year Group learning across a range of subject areas.

Click the logo below to access the website.

To access the learning:

Complete the grid - click 'England' and select your child's Year Group.

Next, select a subject of interest.

Lastly, select a Topic of interest.  You may like to choose something that fits with your current learning in class.

White Rose Maths

The following website contains Maths lessons for each Year Group within the school.  

To access the learning for this week, please select Spring Term, Week 5.

Click the logo below to access the website.


To access the learning:

First, select your child's Year Group (New Schemes versions) and the Term (Spring Term).  Click the green 'filter' tab.

Select the unit of learning for Week 5.

You will find videos for each lesson within the unit.  Please use pencil and paper for recording.

Phase 1 - EYFS and Year 1

Click below for a document with age appropriate useful websites for your child's Phase.

Useful websites for Phase 1

Phase 2 - Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4

Click below for a document with age appropriate useful websites for your child's Phase.

Useful websites for Phase 2

Phase 3 - Year 5 and Year 6

Click below for a document with age appropriate useful websites for your child's Phase.

Useful websites for Phase 3

Activities for the whole family

Enjoy some fun together joining in with the dances and activities on Go Noodle.  Your children will probably recognise some of their favourites!

Why not have some fun outside as a family?  Have a look at some suggestions from Opal below...